

“Play ping pong and live long” is a very popular saying within table tennis community.

Table tennis is the third largest sport in terms of participation after soccer and cricket. It was first debuted in the Olympics in the year 1988 and according to research, over 10 million players participate in various table tennis tournaments each year. Surprisingly, it was included in the f irst Paralympic Games in Rome in 1960, 28 years before its Olympic debut!

This is everyone’s sport. It can be played for the entire life and has no biases towards gender, age, or disabilities. Table tennis techniques reflect natural body movement where your entire body work towards one goal. It is also a very logical sport and there are no other sports which includes so much of spin, rotations, and unexpected turns so your brain needs to be in full focus all the time.

Table tennis is a not an easy sport and a lot of quick moves, stamina, and body strength is required, while playing on an advanced level. It also improves vision, especially hand-eye coordination.

On the top of that, table tennis is sport which is played almost everywhere – so it is easy to find a friendly table tennis community anywhere you go. Also, it is played in many schools and universities and a good table tennis results are recognized to grand a sport scholarship.

Here, at DTTA we can help you to improve your game and we will be glad if you will become a part of our large and very friendly community.

See you soon!

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